Abstract Paper

Journal of Computational Mathametica

Title : Bounds on the Connected Domination in Graphs
Author(s) : 1 J.Vinolin , 2 D.S.T.Ramesh, 3 S.Athisayanathan and 4 A.Anto Kinsley
Article Information : , 1-14
Affiliation(s) : 1,3,4 Department of Mathematics, St. Xaviers College, Palayamkottai, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli - 627012, Tamil Nadu, India.
: 2 Department of Mathematics, Margchosis College, Nazareth, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli - 627012, Tamil Nadu, India.

Abstract :

A set SāŠ† V of a connected graph G is a hop dominating set of G if for every vertex v in V ā€“ S there exists a vertex u in S such that d(u, v) = 2. The cardinality of a minimum hop dominating set of G is called the hop domination number and is denoted by Ī³h (G). A hop dominating set D of a graph G is said to be a connected hop dominating set of G if the induced subgraph <D> is connected. The cardinality of a minimum connected hop dominating set is called the connected hop dominationnumber of G and it is denoted by š›¾_ā„Ž^c(G). In this paper some graphs G are characterized for which Ī³_h(G) = 2. Bounds based on diameter, girth and maximum degree for Ī³_h(G) are developed. In addition the hop domination number of wounded spider is computed. The hop dominating sets are compared to the distance ā€“2 dominating sets. An important result is proved that if G_1, G_2, ā€¦,G_s are the connected proper subgraphs of G with minimum connected hop dominating sets D_1, D_2, ā€¦, D_s as then š›¾_ā„Ž^c(G)ā‰¤ Ī£_{i=1}^{s} š›¾_ā„Ž^c(G_i) + 2s.

Keywords : Graphs, distance, domination number, distance domination number, Hop domination number, Connected Hop domination number
Document Type : Research Paper
DOI : Bounds on the Connected Domination in Graphs
Publication date : July 09, 2018